Monday 13 December 2010

Feedback From My Presentation

After designing my magazine front cover and contents page, I had to present this to the class to gain feedback. The way we did this was as a media student presented his/her magazine, the other students sat down to write comments about the magazine. I've currently got three sheets of feedback from four students. Here they are:

Sheet #1:
"He followed a lot of the codes and conventions of a school magazine"
"Text needs to pop out more"
"The colours he contrasted didn't work completely"

Sheet #2:
"Evidence of research and how it informed the planning/design of the product"
"Evidence of planning and how it informed the design of the product and production process"
"A front page of a school magazine with a mid-shot central image"
"A contents page appropriate design and content of front page"
"Explanation and analysis of the process undertaken, learning and final product"
"Lots of detail in his presentation along with a complete front cover and contents page"

Sheet #3:
"Evidence of research and how it informed the planning/design of the product"
"Evidence of planning and how it informed the design of the product and production process"
"A front page of a school magazine with a mid-shot central image"
"Graphics and text relative to product, following generic codes and conventions"
"A contents page appropriate design and content of front page"
"He showed that he looked at the MOJO magazine in detail and used it for a lot of his planning"
"He needs to make his font stand out more and maybe use different colours"

I'm quite flattered with the feedback which I received from my fellow collegues since they mostly contained visuals on my strengths, not weakness. Although, I should think maturely and treat feedback as an opportunity to improve, therefore, I should focus on my weaknesses and plan on how I could improve or even vanish them completely.

On the feedback which I've received, the only weakness that I noticed the the class was injecting was that my colour scheme and text wasn't very effective. Even when my media tutor agreed with my colour scheme (in which she claims that black and red are the traditional colour codings for music magazines) but not the text (the headline was good but not the other headings), what I tend to do next time to discard this weakness of mine is to change my magazine's colour scheme. If I was given another chance to change my magazine, I would, and this would be easy for me because as I said in my magazine's annotation, I designed my magazine's logo to be very simple but very flexible in colour scheme changes. If I were to swap my magazine's colour coding, I would pick colours which highly contrast to each other, focusing mainly on my text to make it stand out and legible.

So anyway, I will be editing this post some time later on whenever I get my tutor's feedback because she just copied it first before she gives the paper to me. So that's it for now until the update.

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